Yes, the season is changing and so are my moods. Who turns down an opportunity to go clothes shopping? Me. We only made it about 2 miles down the road before the tears started, and we had to turn around. For the past few days I've been in a sort of emotional coma. Between a two-day migraine and returning sadness, I thought today I was making progress. I was up early, got the kids off to school, showered and even curled my hair. All for what? The couch. My little sidekick Pepper hasn't left my lap all day. I know my dogs sense my depression. I should be happy about our cruise in a few weeks, but those irritating pounds crept back into my life and onto my scale, which doesn't add to my fantastic mood. So many things could be completely worse right now and I understand that. When these chemicals in my brain become unbalanced it doesn't matter. I could've inherited a million dollars and I'd still be sitting here. "Cheer up!" people say. "Get over it!" You don't want to know what I would say to that. Don't you think I would if I could?? I'm trying… for now, it's the couch, my black-haired companions and a few tears.
3:00 - smile - go